joi, 18 decembrie 2008

e-Twinning Weeks 2008 Competitions

e-Twinning Weeks 2008 Competitions
- Discover the e-Twinning Portal

Dear all,

I am pleased to inform you that you are the winners of the e-Twinning Weeks "discover the e-Twinning Portal" competition. You were the first 50 people to complete a set number of tasks and updates using the new Portal and so you have won an e-Twinning prize pack.

If you could please send me your postal addresses, we will arrange to send your prizes packs as soon as we can. You can expect to receive them in January 2009. Your names will also be featured on the e-Twinning Portal homepage this week, alongside the rest of the e-Twinning Weeks winners.

Congratulations and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Christina Crawley
Web Editor
European Schoolnet
Rue de Trèves, 61
B-1040 Brussel

duminică, 18 mai 2008

joi, 17 aprilie 2008

Awards for Sigma Kangaroo English Contest

Awards for Sigma Kangaroo English Contest
Labels and books for the first 7 pupils
Photos with the 7 pupils, their English teacher
and the school adjoint headmaster

joi, 28 februarie 2008

Conferinta anuala eTwinning, Bucuresti, 14-16 martie 2008

In perioada 14-16 martie 2008, va fi organizata la Bucuresti, Hotel Rin Grand, Conferinta anuala eTwinning.Evenimentul va reuni aproximativ 450 de persoane din tarile participante la program - profesori, elevi, ambasadori eTwinning, specialisti in educatie, factori de decizie.La eveniment vor participa reprezentanti ai Ministerului Educatiei, Cercetarii si Tineretului, reprezentanti ai Institutului de Stiinte ale Educatiei - centru de coordonare eTwinning Romania, profesori cu activitate remarcabila in cadrul programului si reprezentanti ai Consiliului National al Elevilor.Intrucat numarul de locuri este limitat, echipa eTwinning Romania a operat cu un set de criterii de selectie a participantilor. Astfel, scolile care vor fi invitate sa trimita cate un profesor la conferinta sunt:- cele trei scoli care au primit Certificatul european de calitate (Colegiul "V.Alecsansdri" Galati / dna prof. Lidia Minza, Scoala Humoreni si Comanesti, Suceava / dna prof. Liliana Mihalachi, Scoala "Dimitrie Anghel", loc. Cornesti-Miroslava, Iasi / dna prof. Dorina Marin);- scoli care au primit Certificatul de calitate, in calitate de scoli fondatoare ale proiectului premiat: Sc. "L Rebreanu" Mioveni, Arges / dna prof. Ana Tudor, Lic. Teoretic "Al. Marghiloman" / dna prof. Camelia Dinu, Scoala "Ioan Bob" Cluj-Napoca /dna prof. Maria Vaida;- acoperire geografica: echilibrul rural-urban, distributia cat mai mare pe zone a profesorilor participanti (in cazul scolilor in care mai multi profesori au primit Certificatul de calitate, va fi nominalizat un singur reprezentant);- tip de institutie: se are in vedere includerea in lista de participanti, pe cat posibil, atat a scolilor, cat si a cluburilor copiilor.
Agenda Conferintei
eTwinning este parte a programului Lifelong Learning, al Comisiei Europene.


From the Romanian NSS we have received the next message:
You have been just awarded with the Quality Label for the work you have done in eTwinning. Also, we congratulate the Romanian team of the "Liviu Rebreanu" School from Mioveni, Arges, Romania because they had been awarded with the corresponding eTwinning Quality Label for the projects "CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE BEHIND THE DOOR" and "E- COOKERY BOOK".