marți, 27 aprilie 2010

Happy birthday, e Twinning!

On the 5th anniversary of e-Twinning, the pupils of the 3rd class C from "Liviu Rebreanu" School, Romania wish "Happy birthday, e- Twinning!" and thank to all the European partners involved in their projects.

Vezi mai multe video din Evenimente

sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010

Spring Festival

Comenius Project - Gastronomic Activity

Comenius Project Visit to Mateiaş Mausoleum

Comenius Project - Customs and Traditions

Comenius Project Demonstrative Lessons

Comenius Project - Pupils' and Parents' Meeting

Comenius Project Visit to Bran Castle

Comenius Project Visit to Cheile Grădiştei

miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010

How to teach interactively?

I have just returned from Bulgaria where I attended the couse "How to teach interactively?". Here is a slide of photos made in Sofia City. The course was financed by the European Commission and it was organized by the National Association of the Bulgarian European Clubs - NABEC in the frame of the program “Lifelong Learning”.