joi, 31 decembrie 2009
marți, 22 decembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009
The Christmas Tree
Carols Show at "Long Life" Retired Persons Association from Mioveni
O, brad frumos!
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Uită te bade şi vezi
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Flori de măr
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La multţi ani, cu sănătate
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Constantin Drăgan - De Crăciun
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O, brad frumos!
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Uită te bade şi vezi
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Flori de măr
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La multţi ani, cu sănătate
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Constantin Drăgan - De Crăciun
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vineri, 18 decembrie 2009
joi, 17 decembrie 2009
"Nicolae Rizea" Contest
sâmbătă, 12 decembrie 2009
In the Library
One of the most interesting activities developed in our school on December was that which made involve pupils and Romanian teachers. The purpose of such activity was to prove the talent of pupils in acting different scenes dedicated to Christmas Day. Despite finishing school earlier, they have tried not to lose the opportunity to celebrate this important day for Christianity. Thus, the Romanian teachers of our school have prepared their pupils in order to act Jesus’ birth. The pupils have delighted the audience no only by their acting but also by their costumes. Besides, the teachers of Religious Education have prepared together their pupils a short program in which they talk about faith by means of impressive essays as well as by religious songs, carols, taking in account the way in which Romanians keep their folk traditions. The host of this activity was the school library.
vineri, 11 decembrie 2009
Christmas Carols for Teachers
On the last school day, before Christmas, the pupils of the 5th class E
sang Christmas carols for their teachers and for the school headmaster.
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Colind de Craciun 3
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Colind de Craciun 4
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sang Christmas carols for their teachers and for the school headmaster.
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Colind de Craciun 2
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Colind de Craciun 3
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Colind de Craciun 4
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Activities during the Methodical Committees
Here is a short slide of photos taken yesterday during the Methodical Committees of Foreign Languages and Counciliation. Pupils of different classes sang carols in English and French and the pupils of the 5th class D talked about the following topic: "Mioveni - the Town of Youth".
Together Santa Claus
The pupils of the 2nd class C were visited by Santa Claus yesterday. They presented a show in the presence of their parents and then Santa gave them a lot of presents.
joi, 10 decembrie 2009
Carolers in Our School
The first carolers who visited our school were the retired persons belonging to the folk group called "Long Life" from the Cultural Center MIoveni. They sang us a lot of nice Christmas carols yesterday. The leadership of the school offered them pretzels and oranges. It was a great surprise for us and brought an immense joy in our souls.
sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2009
Comenius Activity - Smile for Smile
Humanitarian campaign "Smile for Smile" was aimed at helping children in need from the neighborhoods of Mioveni Town. It is one of the activities planned both in Comenius multilateral project but also in the county project having among partners the representatives of the Cultural Center, the Foundation “Consortium for Local Development” and the Town Hall Mioveni. Thus, the pupils of “Liviu Rebreanu” School, coordinated by teachers of Comenius team, have prepared several packages with school supplies, sweets, clothes and toys, which they have given to poor children in neighborhood social blocks of Mioveni Town, the neighborhood Racoviţa and Colibaşi belonging to families with many children, by their gesture showing that the beauty of world lies in the goodness of soul, the desire to bring joy to the hearts of these children on the eve of St. Nicholas. Classes that have prepared these aids were 2 C, 3 C, 3 A, 4 A, 5 C, 5 D, 7 C and 7 I. They were accompanied by the primary level teachers Jeana Tita, Lidia Costache, Ioana Georgescu, Daniela Berechet , the teachers Ana Tudor Mihaela Rizoaica, Mariana Radulescu, the head teacher, Julian Rizoaica, the personal adviser of the Mayor, Marilena Ionescu, the editor of the newspaper “Miovenii” and the local television reporters of “West TV”.
vineri, 4 decembrie 2009
Christmas Ornaments & Skating Rink
On Friday 4th, in Mioveni Town, on the plateau lied in front of the Culture House, the Town Hall gave into operation one of the most modern ice rinks in the country, with an area of 300 square meters. This rink has a plexus-glass base that was cast a high density polymer solution. Basically, it doesn’t skate on the ice, but on a silicone surface with a thickness of 8 mm. The advantage is that this solution allows the rink to be used practically in summer, too, although the town administration intends to be arranged in summer, ice rink instead of a playground for children or a mini-football field. After the auction organized, it was also purchased 100 pairs of skates, a laundry area and one of sharp skates. Such rinks were arranged in Bucharest, Craiova, Rovinari and Alexandria. It was a splendid image as well as the lights of the big Christmas tree with its splendid ornaments. The pupils of our school were skating on the ice at the opening moment and took a lot of photos.
marți, 1 decembrie 2009
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